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Tài liệu Logging doc

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Chapter 11
Good logging is important for real-time incident detection and after-the-fact auditing.
By religiously watching your log file, you will often get warnings that an outage is
about to occur or that an attacker is analyzing your network for vulnerabilities. This
allows you to take action to correct or prevent the problem. Log files also provide an
audit trail for determining what went wrong or what an attacker accomplished.
Logging in General
Logging is a balance between collecting as much useful information as possible and
not collecting so much information that it overwhelms you. An administrator over-
whelmed by log files will ignore them until after an incident occurs. This negates the
first benefit of log files—early warning. Many network administrators keep the
default logging setting on routers and never take advantage of all of the additional
information that can be logged. The rest of this chapter covers the logging capabili-
ties of Cisco routers and discusses how to avoid being overwhelmed by your log files.
To achieve maximum benefit from log files, you must monitor them regularly. On
systems of medium importance, log review can be done daily with the results
emailed to the administrator. On highly secure systems, log analysis is often done in
real time with the results sent to a pager.
Numerous commercial and public domain software packages can help you analyze
your log files. Use them. These packages automate the process of analyzing log files
by filtering out uninteresting messages and highlighting the dangerous ones. Such
programs are the only way an administrator can keep up with log files to use them
for incident detection.
One of the most useful ways to set up your log-watching programs is to have them:
1. Highlight everything you know is dangerous.
2. Ignore everything you know is safe.
3. Print out everything else.
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Router Logging
Before you run the log checker the first time, go through your current logs and con-
figure the software to highlight or ignore each different entry. Each day, run the log-
check software, taking note of any highlighted (dangerous) messages. Next, for each
message the software didn’t highlight or ignore, configure the software to do one or
the other. After about two weeks of doing this daily, you will have a custom configu-
ration that will automatically inform you of dangerous log messages while stripping
out all extraneous ones. If all your routers log to a central syslog server, monitoring
your logs becomes even easier, since everything can be monitored from one location
and you need only a single log-checking configuration.
Router Logging
Cisco routers can log information in six ways:
Console logging
Console log messages are configured to be displayed on the console port only.
You must be connected to the console port to see these messages.
Buffered logging
Buffered logging keeps the log messages in RAM on the router. A logging buffer
must be configured on the router, and this buffer is circular, meaning that when
it fills up, the oldest log message is deleted to make room for the new message.
Terminal logging
Using the terminal monitor command, routers can be configured to send log
messages to the VTY terminals.
Cisco routers can be configured to send their log messages to one or more exter-
nal syslog servers.
SNMP traps
If enabled, SNMP can be configured to send traps to an external SNMP server to
log specific conditions.
AAA accounting
If you are using AAA, you can configure the router to log network connections
and even command execution to the Network Access Server (NAS).
Log messages are given a priority from 0 to 7. The lower the number, the more criti-
cal the message. These levels are defined as shown in Table 11-1.
Table 11-1. Log severity levels
Level Title Description
0 Emergencies System is unusable.
1 Alerts Immediate action is needed.
2 Critical A critical condition has occurred.
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Chapter 11: Logging
These levels are a hierarchy in which messages of your chosen level and above are
logged and printed. Choosing level 7 (debugging) will print out all messages from level
7 to 0, while choosing level 2 (critical) will only print out messages of levels 2 to 0.
The importance of accurate time was addressed in Chapter 10. It is also important
to make sure that all log messages include detailed time information. Without this
information, it becomes impossible to precisely correlate various log files to deter-
mine when an incident happened. To configure Cisco routers to include detailed
time information in all log messages, use the service timestamps log datetime com-
mand. Use the following options to make sure as much information as possible is
This option includes milliseconds in each log timestamp. Without this option,
log messages are timestamped only to the nearest second.
This option configures the routers to use the local time to timestamp each log
message. Doing so is generally advisable to make the logs easier for a human to
interpret, but may be left out when routers across different time zones are log-
ging to a central syslog server.
This option configures the router to indicate the time zone when timestamping
each message. This step makes comparing log messages from various sources
much easier.
To enable this detailed timestamping:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
3 Errors An error condition has occurred.
4 Warning A warning message.
5 Notifications Normal but significant events.
6 Informational Information messages.
7 Debugging Debugging messages.
Table 11-1. Log severity levels (continued)
Level Title Description
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Router Logging
Console Logging
To see console messages, you must be logged into the console. The console is config-
ured by default to level 5 (notifications), meaning that it only displays messages of
notification level or above.
Changing the console logging level
To change the logging level of the console, use the logging console command, fol-
lowed by the number or name of the new severity level. To see all logging messages,
set the console to level 7 (debug) by:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#logging console 7
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#logging console debugging
Disabling console logging
As you begin logging more information, you may have trouble using the console as
the display is covered up by numerous log messages. You can eliminate some of
these messages by changing to a higher severity level using the commands described
or you can disable logging to the console altogether. Since each console log message
requires a CPU interrupt to be delivered, disabling logging in the console port can
increase a router’s performance. Disabling console logging is done by:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#no logging console
Buffered Logging
Buffered logging keeps copies of log messages in the router’s RAM. This makes it
very easy for an administrator logged into the router to display current log messages.
The RAM buffer is circular. The buffer is a fixed size, and as new messages are added
to the buffer, the older messages are deleted. This keeps the most recent messages in
the buffer without filling up the router’s memory.
The size of each router’s logging buffer should be configured with regard to the
amount of RAM on the router. These buffers should be large enough to keep useful
log entries, but small enough not to use up the router’s RAM and interfere with
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Chapter 11: Logging
performance. A size of 16,000 or 32,000 bytes is usually sufficient and doesnt over-
whelm the router. Play with the values if you find that you need log messages kept
To enable buffered logging:
1. Make sure logging is turned on with the logging on command.
2. Configure the buffer with the logging buffered command.
3. Configure the logging buffer severity level with the logging buffered command.
The following example configures the router to use a 32,000-byte logging buffer and
to log messages of level 6 (informational) and above:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#logging on
RouterOne(config)#logging buffered 32000
RouterOne(config)#logging buffered informational
Terminal Monitor
While logging is enabled to the console by default, log messages are not normally
sent to the VTYs. If you are logged in through the network on a VTY and want to see
log messages on your terminal, use the terminal monitor command:
1. Use the logging monitor command to configure the severity of messages sent to
the VTY terminal.
2. At the enable prompt of the terminal, type terminal monitor.
The following example configures the terminal to receive level 3 (error) messages and
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#logging monitor error
RouterOne#terminal monitor
Note that the terminal monitor command was run not from configuration mode, but
rather from privileged or enable mode.
Turning on terminal monitor, especially at the debug level, can over-
whelm your connection, so be careful. If you find your terminal ses-
sion scrolling with so many log messages that you are overwhelmed,
use the terminal no monitor command to stop the terminal from
receiving the log messages. Even if you can’t see what you are typing,
try typing
terminal no monitor and pressing Enter; the router will still
take the command and stop the log messages to your terminal.
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Router Logging
syslog logging is the most important non-AAA method of logging. All previous log-
ging methods print the log message to a terminal or keep the log in memory. Neither
of these records the log messages long term. Long-term storage is critical for keeping
audit trails and is required for analyzing logs after messages have left the terminal
screen or have buffered out of memory.
Almost all Unix servers come with syslog servers configured by default. Almost all
security-conscious organization have one or two central syslog servers in which all
logging information is sent and recorded. These messages are sent across the net-
work to the syslog server where the server records the message to the hard drive.
Centralizing your log files in this method makes correlating log information from dif-
ferent routers and systems much easier.
Remember to configure your router to send all log messages to a syslog server so that
messages are permanently recorded and not lost when the router runs out of mem-
ory or messages scroll off the terminal screen.
syslog facilities
syslog servers rely on the severity levels defined earlier and on another variable called
the facility. syslog facilities separate different services so that log messages can be sep-
arated into different log files. This separation makes reviewing and auditing log files
much easier. Table 11-2 lists some standard syslog facilities.
Table 11-2. syslog facilities
syslog facility Description
User Log messages generated by user processes
Kern Log messages generated by the kernel
Mail Log messages regarding the mail system
Daemon Log messages generated by system daemons
Auth Log messages regarding the authorization system
LPR Log messages regarding the printing system
News Log messages regarding Usenet news processes
UUCP Reserved for the UUCP system
Cron Log messages regarding the cron system
Local0 Reserved for your use
Local1 Reserved for your use
Local2 Reserved for your use
Local3 Reserved for your use
Local4 Reserved for your use
Local5 Reserved for your use
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Chapter 11: Logging
Cisco routers are usually configured to use one of the reserved facilities local0
through local7.
The syslog server must be configured to receive and record the log
messages to a file. On almost all Unix systems, the syslog configura-
tion file is /etc/syslog.conf. The standard format for syslog.conf files is
(with tabs, not spaces):
Facility.Severity logfile
If you are unfamiliar with syslog, the easiest way to get a router log-
ging to the syslog server is to use a facility that is already configured.
However, this facility mixes your Cisco log messages with server log
messages. The recommended way to get the router logged into the
server is to configure a unique facility, such as local6 or local7, to send
messages to a different file. For example, to configure the syslog server
to send all log messages it receives that have a facility of local6 and a
severity of informational to the file /var/log/cisco, your /etc/syslog.conf
file might contain: /var/log/cisco
You would then configure each router to use facility local6 when send-
ing messages to the syslog server.
Configuring syslog logging
To configure syslog logging on your router:
1. Configure the syslog facility using the logging facility command.
2. Configure the syslog severity level with the logging trap command.
3. Configure the syslog server to which log messages will be sent with the logging
To configure your router to send log messages to the server using facility
local6 and severity informational:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#logging facility local6
RouterOne(config)#logging trap informational
You can specify additional syslog servers with additional logging <ip-address> com-
mands and specify that log messages will be sent to each server for redundancy.
Local6 Reserved for your use
Local7 Reserved for your use (default Cisco log level)
Table 11-2. syslog facilities (continued)
syslog facility Description
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Router Logging
By default, many syslog servers accept messages from any IP address.
While this won’t let an attacker modify log messages already recorded,
it does allow an attacker to send bogus log messages that get mixed in
with your good messages. It can also allow an attacker to use up all of
the disk space on your syslog server so that valid log messages can’t be
recorded because of lack of space.
It is important to make sure your syslog server does not accept syslog
messages from systems external to your network. This can be accom-
plished by using ACLs at your network boundaries to deny all incom-
ing syslog packets (UDP port 514) and/or by configuring the syslog
server to accept log messages only from your internal network.
syslog sequence numbers
Cisco has recently added a feature that stamp each syslog message with a sequence
number. These numbers increase by one for each syslog message sent. These
sequence number can provide a way for an administrator to determine whether the
log files have been tampered with. A log file that is missing a set of sequence num-
bers indicates that the log files are either incomplete or have been tampered with.
This example enables syslog sequence numbers:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#service sequence-numbers
Sequence numbers do little if intruders accesses the syslog server—they can simply
resequence the messages in the log file. However, sequence numbers can be useful in
determining whether bogus messages are being forwarded to a syslog server. A log
file that contains log messages without sequence numbers or with duplicate sequence
numbers indicates that someone is sending bogus message to your syslog server.
Throttling syslog messages
IOS Version 12.1(3)T introduced the ability to limit the number of syslog messages
sent to and from the router in a specific time frame. Some logging, such as ACL vio-
lation logging, if not implemented correctly, can cause the router to overwhelm the
syslog server with thousands of messages a second. You can limit the number of mes-
sages sent with the logging rate-limit command. This example limits message output
to 10 messages a second:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#logging rate-limit all 10
You can append the except keyword followed by a severity level to rate-limit only
low-priority messages.
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Chapter 11: Logging
For example, to avoid rate-limiting messages of severity error or higher, enter:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#logging rate-limit all 10 except error
SNMP Traps
If you run SNMP (see Chapter 8), you can use SNMP traps to log additional informa-
tion. Traps are packets sent to an SNMP server when specific events occur. Such
events include high temperatures, configuration changes, and down interfaces. If you
are familiar with SNMP and want to enable SNMP traps on your router, you must:
1. Use the snmp-server host command to configure which SNMP server will receive
the traps.
2. Use the snmp-server enable traps command to enable SNMP traps.
The following example configures the router to send traps to the SNMP server
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#snmp-server host public
RouterOne(config)#snmp-server enable traps
This example configures the router to send all possible traps to the SNMP server.
You can supply additional arguments to the snmp-server enable traps command to
limit the traps sent. See Cisco’s documents on SNMP traps for more information.
ACL Violation Logging
Aside from system logging, ACL violation logging is an important area to configure.
By logging ACL violations, you can record any time your ACLs block access. This is
extremely useful for determining when attackers are trying to spoof, log in, or access
your router from external or untrusted systems.
ACL violation logging can be enabled by simply adding the keyword log or log-input
to the end of your ACL statements. Be selective about what you choose to log. Add-
ing the log keyword to the wrong filters can end up logging every packet in and out
of your networks.
The log keyword provides information on the type, date, and time of the ACL viola-
tion and is the only option for standard ACLs. The log-input keyword is available on
extended ACLs and logs additional information about the input interface and source
MAC address.
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ACL Violation Logging
The log keyword works only for standard access lists. Both the log and
log-input keywords can be used for extended and named ACLs.
Antispoofing Violations
The following examples configure your ACL antispoofing filters to log both inbound
and outbound spoofing attempts. Assuming our internal network was,
an ingress filter that logs all spoofed packets looks like:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#access-list 115 deny ip any log-input
RouterOne(config)#access-list 115 permit ip any any
This filter would be placed inbound on each interface that borders an external net-
work. Assuming this was Serial 0/0 on RouterOne, enter:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#int Serial 0/0
RouterOne(config-if)#ip access-group 115 in
An egress filter that logs all attempts at sending spoofed packets out of the network
would look like:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#access-list 116 permit ip any
RouterOne(config)#access-list 116 deny ip any any log-input
And would be applied to all outgoing interfaces:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#int Serial 0/0
RouterOne(config-if)#ip access-group 116 out
VTY Access Logging
Logging router login attempts through VTYs is very important. It can give you an
early indication that someone is trying to access your router without authorization.
Assuming you want only the IP to be able to access the router through
VTYs, your ACL would look like:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#access-list 117 permit ip host any
RouterOne(config)#access-list 117 deny ip any any log-input
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Chapter 11: Logging
You would apply it the VTY lines 0 through 4 with:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#line vty 0 4
RouterOne(config-line)#access-class 117 in
Now someone from an unauthorized IP trying to access a router VTY will generate a
log message. The following message is an sample log entry of an unauthorized per-
son trying to telnet to the router:
Oct 13 21:10:44.185 EDT: %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list 120 denied tcp -
>, 1 packet
Many sites also choose to log all permitted VTY access attempts in addition to
blocked access ones. Since all VTY access is through TCP, you can use the ACL key-
word established to log successful access attempts without overwhelming your router
or syslog server. This can be done effectively if you:
• Pass, without logging, all established TCP connections from permitted IPs.
• Pass and log the first packet for all TCP sessions from permitted IPs.
• Deny and log all other packets.
This example logs both access attempts from approved IPs and access attempts from
unapproved IP addresses:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#access-list 117 permit tcp host any established
RouterOne(config)#access-list 117 permit tcp host any log-input
RouterOne(config)#access-list 117 deny ip any any log-input
Other Services
Other protocols and services such as HTTP, SNMP, ICMP, and route filtering can be
logged in the same way. Just add the keyword log or log-input to the deny state-
ments of the ACLs for each service you want to log.
AAA Accounting
AAA accounting allows you to log additional information that cannot be obtained
from the previous logging methods. Using Cisco’s TACACS+, AAA accounting can
log every command executed on the router to the Network Access Server (NAS).
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AAA Accounting
AAA Accounting Methods
There are five methods of AAA accounting—EXEC, System, Command, Connec-
tion, and Network. Here is a short description of each method:
EXEC accounting
EXEC accounting records information about each EXEC, or shell, session on the
router. It records information such as username, date, time, and IP of the system
connecting to the router.
System accounting
System accounting logs information about system-level events, such as reboots
or when accounting is turned on or off.
Command accounting
Command accounting logs information about the commands typed at the EXEC
shell prompt. It records information (including what command was executed,
who executed the command, the privilege level, and the date and time). Please
note that older versions of Cisco’s implementation of RADIUS do not support
Command accounting, so you will need to use TACACS+ or upgrade.
Connection accounting
Connection accounting logs information about outgoing connections made from
the router. These connections include telnet, rlogin, tn3270, and LAT.
Network accounting
Network accounting logs information about PPP, SLIP, and ARAP sessions.
AAA Accounting Types
To log the largest amount of useful information, you should turn on accounting for
all five methods. Each method supports three types of logging:
The start-stop keyword configures the router to generate a log message when a
service starts and stops. For example, using the start-stop keyword for EXEC,
accounting generates a log message when a user first accesses the router and
another log messages when the user disconnects from the router.
The stop-only keyword configures the router to generate log messages only when
a service ends. With EXEC accounting, this keyword generates log messages
only when a user disconnects from the router.
The wait-start keyword delays the start of the requested service until confirma-
tion is received from the NAS server that a log message has been received. This is
typically reserved for higher-security installations that want to guarantee that
each connection and command that run on a system is recorded. If the NAS
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Chapter 11: Logging
server doesn’t indicate that it successfully received the log message, the router
will not start the requested service or command.
AAA Accounting Configurations
Recommended initial settings for each method are shown in Table 11-3.
The rest of this section provides examples on configuring each logging method.
Accounting with TACACS+
If you have AAA configured to use TACACS+, you can enable EXEC, System, Con-
nection, and Network accounting to your NAS server with:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting system default stop-only group tacacs+
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting connection default start-stop group tacacs+
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting network default start-stop group tacacs+
To configure Command accounting, you also need to supply the privilege level you
want logged. Unless you have changed the default privilege levels, privilege levels 1
and 15 should capture everything. If you have custom privilege-level configurations,
make sure you add commands to log all levels you are interested in:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting commands 1 default stop-only group tacacs+
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting commands 15 default stop-only group tacacs+
Table 11-3. Recommended AAA method types
starting type
EXEC start-stop This method makes determining exactly when someone accessed the router and
exactly when they disconnected much easier.
System stop-only System messages are usually atomic events that don’t need the start and stop times
recorded. The stop-only keyword is usually sufficient for System accounting.
Command stop-only Commands are usually run in such short time periods that start and stop times are of
limited use and can double the amount of log messages you have to analyze.
Connection start-stop Logging the start and stop times of outgoing connections from the router makes ana-
lyzing log files easier.
Network start-stop Again, logging start and stop times of these network connections makes log file analy-
sis less of a chore and more intuitive.
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Logging Checklist
Accounting with RADIUS
If you have AAA configured to use RADIUS, you can enable EXEC, System, Connec-
tion, and Network accounting to your NAS server with:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting exec default start-stop group radius
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting system default stop-only group radius
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting connection default start-stop group radius
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
You also need to enable Command accounting for all privilege levels you are inter-
ested in. Older versions of Cisco’s IOS don’t support Command accounting through
RADIUS. If you determine that your router doesn’t support RADIUS command log-
ging, then either migrate to TACACS+ or upgrade your IOS:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting commands 1 default stop-only group radius
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting commands 15 default stop-only group radius
AAA authentication failure logging
AAA also needs to be configured to log authentication failures. The following exam-
ple will generate an AAA log message each time someone attempts to access the
router but fails:
RouterOne#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
RouterOne(config)#aaa accounting send stop-record authentication failure
Logging Checklist
This checklist summarizes the important security information presented in this chap-
ter. A complete security checklist is provided in Appendix A.
• Actively monitor all logs for indications of attacks, misconfigurations, and failures.
• Configure logging timestamps to include milliseconds using the service
timestamp log datetime msec localtime command.
• Enable RAM buffer logging with the logging buffered command. The default and
recommended level is 6 (informational).
• Enable logging sequence numbers with the service sequence-numbers command.
• Configure routers to send log messages to a syslog server to preserve the messages:
— Make sure that sites requiring higher levels of security and auditability send
router log messages to multiple syslog servers for redundancy.
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