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You really do not have the chance to compete as a stand alone entity in
the off line business world, but in the Online world, you have a chance to
compete and earn income from the comfort of your own home.
The Internet has created a world wide open marketplace that allows sole
individuals, regardless of their educational background, their race, their
disabilities, their looks, or even their financial situation, to compete with
multi-million dollar companies on a level playing field.
The Internet is really a breath of fresh air for low income and middle class
individuals. There is no other tool on our planet that will give you the ability
to compete with big business than the Internet.
I don't have to sit here and give you examples of average everyday people
who have taken advantage of the opportunities available to them online
and became success stories, because I really don't have too, since you
probably read at least one of these stories every time you log online. They
Most of these people were not Business Graduates. They were not savvy
salesman and even some of these people had some sort of deficiency that
hindered their ability to prosper in the off line business world.
You will even see stories of people starting with nothing, jobless, no
money, and desperate. I'm sure some of you may believe these stories are
made up for the sole purpose to sell their products, and honestly I can see
Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and All Rights Reserved.
your point, with some of them, but what you may be failing to believe is that
the majority of these success stories are legit.
These people were in desperate times and needed a break in their lives.
They looked to the Internet as an opportunity to help with their financial
problems and didn't look back. They identified the opportunities and put the
tools that were provided to them to work, and now these people no longer
have to deal with financial problems.
Even though there are thousands of success stories like these, what
should not be over looked is there is probably just as many or even more
stories of people who failed using the Internet as a viable option to improve
their financial situations.
For their failure, there can be an assortment of reasons they did not
succeed in making money online. For the majority of these failures, most
can be attributed to three main keys they failed to do while they tried to
earn income online.
The first cause of failure is lack of education. You need the RIGHT
information to succeed online and must continue to learn in order to
continue success online.
The Next common cause of failure is because of laziness. Making money
online does require work, and those who do not like work, then making
Money online isn't for them.
Even if You have the right education or information and are willing to work,
it does not mean that you will make money online. Not researching
Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and All Rights Reserved.
potential businesses or markets, will ultimately put you in the line of failure.
During the Dot Com catastrophe in the late 90's, most of these dot com
failures were due to their failure to create or optimize a product for a
market that was available. Instead of attacking a market that was already
present, they put out products or websites, that virtually had no market,
thus no business.
Yes, some of these companies folded not only due to their inability to
attack markets that were available, but there were also under funded or
over funded. These companies had funds invested in their companies that
they could not recover. Partly because they misunderstood the Internet.
They believed in Instant gratification was the way of the Internet and their
returns would be returned quickly, they were wrong.
The Internet is not a get rich quick system. Yes, some people have had
instant success, but these are rare, very rare. The Internet is a slow
moving system that if done correctly will eventually pay off for those who
can with stand a marathon and develop endurance, determination, and the
ability to recover from mistakes.
Let's not underestimate the ideas of those who failed during the dot com
explosion. Some of these ideas were way a head of their time and put into
action too soon. I do believe that a majority of those failures could succeed
in today's version of the Internet with the new markets that have been
Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and All Rights Reserved.
This report was created to expose some of the myths and facts of working
online. I hope by the time you have finished this report, you will have a
general understanding to what it takes to make money online, and if you
have what it takes to actually start focusing on an online career that you
can build to unlimited levels of success.
Every day you may be blitzed with tons of information, which is why people
seem to say that every Internet users has a case of Information overload.
Because of this, people fail to see the light and actually fail to find the
essential information that is needed to be successful in making money
Now I would like the opportunity to open your eyes and give you a general
education on what is demanded in the Online world to make money
Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and All Rights Reserved.
Just as you need a education to perform most tasks and or obtain a career
in the real world, the Internet is really no different. Education is a major
factor in becoming successful in the online world.
There are really three types of education you will or may need to pursue a
career in making money online.
● Formal Education
● Expert Teachings
● Self Teaching and Hands on Experience
Formal education of course is the education process by way of Colleges
and Universities. Even though this is the traditional way of education and
vital in the off line business world, this type of eduction is not vital in the
online world, although it can be beneficial in your efforts. Just because you
do not have a College Education doesn't mean you cannot succeed online.
Using formal education to develop skills in web design, scripting,
programing, business, creative writing, advertising, and marketing can
benefit you extremely as you began to work online. These majors can also
enhance your ability to create websites, tools, and marketing methods that
could take your efforts to a new level.
I will though make this very clear, the Internet is a different animal in whole,
and not all common business practices will work in a online business.
Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and All Rights Reserved.
There is a reason you don't find too many courses dealing with strictly
online businesses. The major reason is due to the fact that the Internet is a
fairly new to the world of business and no actual clear cut plan has been
developed as of yet to succeed in an online business. A top factor causing
this is because the powers of the Internet, the search engines are
constantly changing their methods of indexing, thus making it difficult for
any online business to focus on one method to create top notch indexing
results that will flood their businesses with traffic.
There may be simple General educational course regarding Internet
marketing, but the information received during the process of these
courses are general common knowledge that can be learned on your own
through researching online.
If you want to pursue a career in a online business and want some type of
formal education to help you. I recommend Web design, programming, or
creative writing. Another course that would be beneficial if you do not have
an experience in sales, is of course, Advertising & Marketing.
Of course, you should pursue a Professional Career Education Counselor
to help you decide the proper courses you should select. By explaining
what you will want to do online, your career education counselor may help
you better select the right course of education.
Expert Teachings is one of the best methods to receive the RIGHT
knowledge to make money online. Why? Because they have succeeded
doing it, and are actively making money online. Who better to learn
information from than people who have done it.
Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and All Rights Reserved.
Really sit down and think about it. Why do children rely on Parents to guide
them through childhood and help them deficient from right from wrong?
You see Parents have already been through the growing pains of
childhood and have experience by way of life. They have the common
knowledge to what is right and wrong,(well some of them anyway). They
know what will keep the children from harms way, and what is necessary
for the proper growth of a child into adult hood.
Experts are kind of like parents. Their knowledge is very important to you
as an aspiring online entrepreneur to grow and develop the proper
techniques and knowledge to make money online. They have been there
and should be a focal point for continuing education on making money
These experts will offer a variety of education options. Some offer live one
on one instructional training. Some will offer live conferences. Some will
offer educational courses that allow you to study at home.
Of course their teachings will not be cheap, and the process to which they
try to sell you on their courses may seem shrewed and pushy, well my
friend that is sales, sometimes people need a little kick to take action.
They are not going to give you information for free. They have spent most
of their lives since the Internet has stormed onto the scene, developing
these strategies and techniques. They do expect to receive compensation
for their information, which is and should be respected.
Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and All Rights Reserved.
These experts are not inexperienced online salesman, they are going to try
and get as much as they can from you as far as money. If you have ever
bought a e course online or attended a live conference, there is one
common denominator:
They give you a snack to get you to purchase a meal.
This is why some people feel cheated when they purchase a course for
$39.99 or even as high as $99. They think the information they are getting
is what they need to make money online. Sure the information is usually
good, but not enough to put you on your way to making money online. Yes,
some people have found this information to be all they needed to finally
step up into the lime light, but let's be real, it's rare, most of the time these
people already knew what they needed to do and may have needed a
push or simply were missing one single puzzle piece to complete their
puzzle. More times than not, the initial information you purchase will be
only bits and pieces of the real information that the expert has to offer,
which is why you should be prepared to be counter offered a high dollar
What the product you are purchasing does is peek your interest, get you
motivated, and maybe share a few ideas or strategies. In all reality, the
information you usually receive is junk and most of the time can be found
online for free. They want you to read and think about your chances of
making money online, then a few days after purchasing the product you
will receive the sales call from a staff member of the program. They will
explain their main course, which can be a educational course or even a
business, they will give you the estimated costs of the program or
business, and how you can make money online using their system. Usually
Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and All Rights Reserved.
the costs of this system or the business will range in the thousands. It is
not uncommon to see price tags as high as $5000. This may seem high for
some and a bargain for others, depending on the vision one might have, or
how well the sales pitch was made.
This has caused a majority of those who purchased the initial package to
call a program a scam, but let me remind you, that the information you will
get will be LEGIT information and can be life changing. Even though some
do not believe, there are regulations on what these experts can offer, and if
these regulations are not met, the system is shut down and the so-called
expert can face some legal issues.
I really don't care what you see in any infomercial or any online sales page.
These programs have success stories tagged to them and have changed
someone's life for the better somewhere, whether you believe it or not. In
order for these programs to last, they have to have results, no results, no
program, thus fraud will be charged
I'm sure you have purchased some type of educational course through a
commercial or online. During this process you probably noticed the above
example of the Meal deal, the Main Course sales pitch. From you reading
this I have come to conclusion that you did not finish the sale. It is
understandable, I've been there myself and have not finished the steps to
learn the systems many times. Even though I felt strongly that the
information and education I would receive would benefit me financially, but
because of the financial situations I was in during these times, I couldn't
complete the process.
Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and All Rights Reserved.
Really looking at the price in a different way, sit down a figure out what it
would cost to attend a College or University. Pretty Pricey isn't it?
Education will cost, no matter if it is Traditional or unconventional such as
Expert Teachings, either way expect to pay, but the rewards should out
way the costs.
Self Teaching and Hands on experience can be some of the most
important educational processes you can endure while you attempt to
make money online. At times this process may seem painful or hopeless,
but if you can identify the lessons you are learning as you experience
them, your knowledge of how the Internet works will increase in time.
It is the same in life, we can be taught in schools, but our jobs will require a
learning curve, no matter what career you were educated for or how well
you thought you were prepared. You will be required to learn and develop
new techniques and strategies, plus the ability to adapt to changes to
completely optimize your performance.
These strategies cannot be taught it must be learned through experience
and actually getting your hands dirty, this is how you can develop the
necessary skills to separate yourself from the people who fail to the people
who succeed online.
The absolute Best education and Knowledge you can receive is by hands
on experience!
Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and All Rights Reserved.
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